Making money from your phone
Author of Practical Steps to Financial Independence and business & finance coach, Mr Usiere Uko, writes about how to make money from your phone. In the concluding part of this article, I will delve a bit more into the mindset and drive required to succeed in acquiring new skills and the answer some of the questions I received from readers from part one of the article. The reality is that we all have 24 hours a day, from the richest man in the world to the poorest. My daughter keeps saying ‘it’s not fair’ when I make some decisions she does not like. We live in an unfair world. Some of us were born into poor homes and others into the middle class and rich homes due to no fault of ours. However, when it comes to time, everyone gets the same amount every day — 24 hours. What we do with those hours determines the results we get. Success in any area of endeavour takes time and effort. There are no shortcuts. There is always a price to pay. If you need time to...